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Песенка о слонах
17.04.2011, 00:35

© 2002 Eric and Roseann Endres
The Elephant Song

Elephants. I like elephants.
Elephants. I like elephants.
I like how they swing through trees…

Monkeys. I like monkeys.

I like how they swim in the ocean…

Fish. I like fish.

I like how they scratch at fleas
and sniff at trees and bark at the mailman…

Gotta like dogs.

Curled up on the windowsill purring, and chasing mice…

Cats. I like cats.

I like how they say, "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"

Roosters. I like roosters.

I like how they gallup and trot…

Horses. I like horses.

I like how they reach into beehives for the honey.

Bears. I like bears.

I like how they jump up high
to catch a fly and sit on a lilypad.
Gotta like frogs.
Running through a maze for some cheese…

Mice. I like mice.

I like how they say, "Hee haw! Hee haw!"

Donkeys. I like donkeys.

I like how they hop and eat carrots…

Rabbits. I like rabbits.

I like how they stomp through
the jungle with their big gray trunks…

Elephants. I like elephants.
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